četvrtak, 8. ožujka 2012.



European and American analysts......................................................................................
Human Trafficking and prostitution.................................................................................
Drugs and narcotics in BiH..............................................................................................



Organized crime is a form of crime that is particularly dangerous and socially immanent developed countries of the modern world. Organized crime is a kind of lawless action which is similar to the organizational structure of the corporation or association. It is particularly characteristic of developing countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as transition countries, especially the vulnerable and fertile ground for the development of organized crime.

The main characteristics of this crime are gain as a motive and violence, intimidation and corruption as a method of performing the various criminal offenses. For these reasons, all modern criminal laws are just the membership in an organized crime group predicted as a separate criminal offense and set a strong sanction to members of organized crime groups. Basically the goal of organized crime is the acquisition of material benefits or income. Income is obtained by selling drugs, prostitution, arms smuggling, trafficking, Piracy in the music, movies, pornography, trading with countries under embargo and other prohibited activities.


In addition to slowing economic growth and undermines the rule of law, organized crime has become a serious problem in Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Croatia. Organized Crime in the Western Balkans and further threaten European security since the Balkan country has become one of the main zone to enter the area of criminal structures of the European Union.

Trafficking in drugs, tobacco, and people considered to be the main criminal activity in the region and brings huge profits to people involved in it. Therefore, the relationship of money laundering and organized crime remains a significant problem is the document on the situation in Western Balkans, which American analysts have been created for the purpose of Congress.

The document warns that the countries of the region there has been a strengthening of links between organized crime, political elites and war criminals, making it possible to just be a crime in 2015. The main cause of the escalation of violence and chaos in the region.

Analysts, however, stand out as potentially Croatia the most perspective country in the region that will in the next few years certainly become an EU member. *1


Corruption Perception Index (CPI) developed by Transparency International (TI) in 2008. year ranked Bosna and Herzegovina (BiH) on places 92-95, with feedback 3,1 in among 180 countries of the world, classifying it as the lowest position among the countries of Southeast Europe. This position and evaluation of a drop compared to 2007. year, when Bosnia was on the 84th A place with score of 3.3. While countries in the region according to the survey recorded a slow but continuous progress, Bosnia and Herzegovina since the first time included in this study 2003rd was not recorded significant progress. According to this study, grade 3, the limits of the presence of systemic corruption, or a situation in which key institutions and processes in practice subordinated to the state of corruption and where there is no possibility of a different relationship between government and citizens.

Corruption Perception Index TI 2003 - 2008 (CPI)
Worldbank: Anticorruption in transition *2

According to studies the average amount of bribery in academic education was 547 km. The average amount that citizens pay bribes for medical services is 500 KM.


Major international conference on organized crime in Southeast Europe, which arranged the British Government, has shown that the fight against organized crime, incorporates the priorities for action, as countries in the region and the international community in this case embodied in the European Union. Such commitment has requested security system reform in BiH and the region as a whole, in the direction of more efficient and more organized battle against threats that carry international organized crime and terrorism.

Human trafficking is modern slavery. Most trafficking victims come from countries undergoing political and economic transition, as well as from countries which are faced with postwar reconstruction. Encouraged by economic inequality, high unemployment rate and / or poor social conditions in the countries they come from, people who belong to socially disadvantaged groups are attracted by the possibility of achieving a better future and deluded with promises of well-paid jobs in richer countries. However, the harsh reality is that they often end up in conditions of slavery and submission and are subjected to serious physical and mental violence. *4

Bosnia and Herzegovina is primarily a source country for domestic human trafficking, but also the country of destination and transit for women and girls trafficked on their way to Western Europe for commercial sexual exploitation. In the past year, 2009. year, the number of victims from Bosnia and Herzegovina, mostly minors, traded within the country, dramatically increased. Reports on trade Roma's children for forced labor continued. Victims from Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Russia in general come to Bosnia and Herzegovina through Serbia or Montenegro for commercial sexual exploitation. Many traffickers held victims in private homes or safe haven to avoid detection by law enforcement forces, according to reports, some of them forced their victims from other countries to seek asylum in order to keep them in the country. *5

During the reporting period, the prison sentence imposed on persons found guilty of a criminal offense of trafficking had been low, as before, or are in turn was suspended sentence.

According to reports prepared by the European officials on human trafficking, which is published 4.6.2008.god. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the third year in a row in 2 other category (level 2), which is an indication that Bosnia and Herzegovina did not fully comply with minimum standards to combat human trafficking, but noted that in this respect noted considerable effort. *5

Bosnia and Herzegovina is recommended aggressive prosecution of trafficking cases to ensure that convicted traffickers receive adequate punishment that will prevent further trafficking and aggressive investigation and prosecution of an accomplice in trafficking. *5


Authorities estimate that in BiH there are about 120,000 drug addicts, although data on the number varies because they are not collected systematically, according to an annual State Department report on international narcotics control. The report said that BiH is in a strategic location on the Balkan drug smuggling route.

BiH is not a significant producer of narcotics, nor significantly they consume, but it is on such a strategic position between the main centers of production and markets of Southeast Asia to Western Europe. One of the main route begins in Albania, and continues through Montenegro, passing through Bosnia and Croatia, and then goes on to Slovenia and then in Western Europe.

The most important is that BiH has become a sort of storehouse for drugs, mostly marijuana, cocaine and heroin. Drug traffickers warehouse in BiH, while waiting for her to be transferred to the main destinations. According to data from agencies in BiH, the State Department, in the previous period were seized 35.27 kilograms of heroin, 9.37 kilograms of cocaine, 76.11 kilograms of amphetamine, 150.3 kilograms of marijuana, 3.118 stalks of cannabis, 2639 cannabis seeds, 499 ecstasy pills and 800 grams of hashish.

Agencies in BiH argue that all three ethnic groups involved in drug trafficking, often working through ethnic lines. Sale of drugs is considered to be significant source of income for organized crime groups, and that money to finance laws, and illegal activity, the report reads.

The evidence suggests that there are links between criminal elements in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the operation of organized crime in Russia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Austria, Germany and Italy. In the region of the Montenegro, Croatia and Albania also listed as a transit country for drugs from Asia to Western Europe. According to the report, Serbia is a "major drug transit country through the Balkan corridor.

The greatest success in BiH in the fight against the smuggling of drugs is the recent seizure of 50 kilograms of heroin in Sarajevo, then about 15 people were arrested *6


Trafficking in drugs, tobacco, and people considered to be the main criminal activity in the region and BiH. According to surveys by Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index of BiH has in place with a 92-95 score of 3.1 among 180 countries of the world. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the third year in a row in the other 2 categories (level 2) which shows that Bosnia and Herzegovina did not fully comply with minimum standards for combating trafficking. BiH is not a significant producer of narcotics, nor significantly they consume, but it is on such a strategic position between the main centers of production and markets of Southeast Asia to Western Europe.



*1 /www.islambosna.ba/index.php/vijesti/vijesti-svijet/8412-kriminal-e-do-2015-izazvati-

*2 Indeks percepcije korupcije TI 2003 - 2008 (CPI) Worldbank: Anticorruption in transition

*3 Prvo kvartalno istrazivanje percepcije korupcije 2009.pdf, /www.ti-bih.org/documents/29-04-2009/

*4 /www.oscebih.org/human_rights/cro/antitrafficking.asp/

*5 /bosnian.sarajevo.usembassy.gov/trgovina-ljudima-2008.html/

*6 /www.bhraja.ca/Vijesti/BH-teme/U-BiH-oko-120.000-ovisnika-o-drogama?.html/

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